I have long held a fascination with memory jugs. It is an antique African American folk art that honors the dead. Jugs and other sculptural forms were coated with a substrate and little bits of ephemera were affixed onto the jug. These included pieces of the dead’s belongings in the form of combs, buttons, coins, shells, shards, etc. 

Memory jugs are the perfect marriage of interests for me. I love anything folk and outsider art related as the power of expression outweighs technique and craft. And I am also interested in the notion of human residue and all the things we leave behind, or love for just a while and then get rid of. What do our belongings say about what kind of person we are? 

These sculptures were a way of exploring these themes and finding new questions to ponder on. By covering some of the sculptures with paint the objects developed a new mystery to them in their evolving incarnation. 



