I am quite a tactile person and appreciate art that can be experienced in multiple ways through our various senses. Art is not just pleasing to the eye, it can be pleasant to touch! My art journey had previously been working with photography and I felt I wanted to explore something more material and physical. That lead me to embroidery and then rug making. 

All of these works featured are produced with an Oxford punch needle. A pathological maker, I needed to turn to something that produced work faster because I have more ideas than time and hands.  Embroidery was moving too slow for me. With the punch needle I enjoy how fast it is to make a piece, though it still is a meditative and at times, laborious process.

Most of these pieces here explore alchemy and feminism, two of my favorite subjects. I am particularly interested in the dark feminine- the shadow side of women that the patriarchy attempts to diminish. Women are fully faceted human beings and exploring and integrating that is key to my work. Understanding and studying how women are treated and what they face is the only way to break free of that paradigm. You cannot transmute what you don’t understand. 

Alchemy is a natural fit for me since I graduated with a Master’s Degree in Counseling Psychology with a minor in Depth Psychology from a Jungian graduate school. Depth psychology is about exploring the unconscious, both personally and of collective humanity. Through this process we can develop consciousness about ourselves and transform and grow. Alchemy is a metaphor for that process of metamorphosis. 

